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Corps Bootcamp Fundamentals - Engaging High Impact Training for Fixed, Full-Arch + Basic Cadaver Lab

Corps Bootcamp Fundamentals - Engaging High Impact Training for Fixed, Full-Arch + Basic Cadaver Lab

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The Atlantic Implant Institute is proud to partner with Art of Arches for the Fundamentals of Full Arch Surgery and Prosthetics. This course is a beginner course that offers a combination of in-depth didactic lectures, hands-on workshops, open discussions, and live patient demonstrations. Doctors, lab technicians, and team members will experience first-hand how to implement full arch procedures into their practice. The topics and techniques covered throughout the course includes treatment planning, case selection criteria, 3D imaging interpretation, surgical tips, prosthetic treatment, implant placement, and full-arch/teeth-in-a-day conversion protocols.  

Hands-on workshops will include placement of dental implants on models. Pre-surgical planning is an essential part of any successful full arch procedure. These skills are essential to any full arch surgeon and anyone wishing to advance their skills to treat the most complicated arches.


  • Learn case selection, CBCT radiographic interpretation, case presentation, digital case planning for analog and digital workflows.
  • Understand the scientific rationale and justification for the all-on-4 procedure as well as common potential surgical and prosthetic complications.
  • Observe, ask questions, and interact in live surgical and prosthetic demonstration of a full-arch, all-on-4 patient and be ready to implement tips and advice into your own workflow.
  • Gain hands-on experience placing implants and prosthetically converting full-arch on a typodont that you can take home.
  • Discover how to convert full-arch in both analog and digital workflows while creating a plan for your customizable hybrid workflow.
  • Create friends and develop mentors able to guide you in your surgical and restorative full-arch journey.


The Corps Fundamentals Cadaver Lab is an adjunct course to the Corps Fundamentals Full-Arch Course. 

  • A one-day cadaver workshop laboratory
  • Customarily held the day after the Corps Fundamentals Module 1 class. 
  • Usually held on a Sunday but check the calendar for details.
  • One Cephalus (Head) per Two Surgeon Operators
  • Maximum 24 operator surgeon positions available per course.
  • Observer positions may be open if space is available.  Call for details to register as a observer.
  • 8 CEU’s available PACE certified
  • Approximately 3 hours didactic, and 5 hours of hands-on, cadaver lab.


SCHEDULE OF EVENTS (The Institute reserves the right to amend the schedule.)

 7:15-8am Registration and breakfast
8-11am Didactic Orofacial anatomy for dental implants
11am-Noon Lunch
Noon-5pm Hands-on Cadaver Lab
5pm Social Hour


  • Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
  • Surgeon Operators can expect to dissect and place at least 4-8 fundamental, standard, all-on-4 style implants during laboratory workshop
  • Observers may watch and learn the dissection learning and refreshing pertinent orofacial anatomy for dental implant placement.

ENABLING LEARNING OBJECTIVES for Cadaver Lab: Basic Corps Fundamentals Level I:

  • Understand Anatomical Landmarks: Identify and describe the key anatomical landmarks relevant to full arch dental implant placement, including bone structure, nerve locations, and vascular pathways.
  • Surgical Technique Proficiency: Demonstrate proficiency in surgical techniques for full arch dental implant placement, including incision making, flap management, bone drilling, and implant insertion.
  • Implant Positioning and Angulation: Apply knowledge of proper implant positioning and angulation to ensure optimal prosthetic outcomes and long-term success.
  • Post-Surgical Care and Complications Management: Develop skills in post-surgical care, including suturing techniques, and learn to identify and manage potential complications such as infection, bleeding, and implant failure.
  • Prosthetic Considerations and Planning: Integrate prosthetic planning with surgical execution by understanding the principles of prosthetic-driven implant placement and planning for immediate or delayed loading protocols.
  • These objectives ensure that participants not only learn the technical aspects of dental implant placement but also understand the broader clinical implications and patient care considerations.


  • Only 24 operator surgeon positions are available per course.
  • Register online or call the director.
  • Operators must have a valid dental license in good standing.
  • Observers should contact the Institute Director before registering to ensure space is available. 
  • The Director can be reached at (757) 404-9885.
  • The Atlantic Implant Institute reserves the right to refuse registration. 


  • “Surgeon operators” who wish to operate on a cadaver (together with a partner) must register at least 3 months prior to the course.  Space is not guaranteed if you do not meet the deadline. 
  • We apologize for the inconvenience, but it takes at least 2 months to ensure the appropriate number of tissue samples will be available. 
  • If you wish to register as a surgeon operator less than 3 months prior, then please call (757-404-9885) to ensure a tissue specimen will be available. 


  • Flying - Norfolk International Airport, ORF (15 minutes to the Institute and Hotel)
  • Driving from Raleigh is approximately a 3-hour drive.
  • Driving from Washington, D.C. is approximately a 4-hour drive.


  • Discounted room blocks available at Delta Marriott Shore, 2800 Shore Drive, Virginia Beach, VA 23451
  • Ask for discounted room with The Atlantic Implant Institute. 

(757) 404-9885

IMPORTANT NOTE- Registration for the cadaver lab is INCLUDED with Corps Fundamentals Level 1 Module. 


Didactic Instruction 12.5
Cadaver Lab 5



Training Location

Atlantic Implant Institute
4429 Shore Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23455
(757) 404-9885

Closest Airport

Norfolk International Airport


Adam M.Hogan, DDS
Alex Molinari, PhD (Honorary)
Keith Klaus, DDS (Honorary)

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